Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oppertunities for Graphic Designer

Opportunities in the field of graphic design were never limited and they will never be. If you are creative and if you have graphic designing skills in you then there are plenty of jobs available for you in the market and you can conquer the world with you skills. If you are confused and you don’t know what you should do after completing the course then this article will be very useful for you. Apart from doing a regular designing job you can participate in online designing competitions and contests and you can also get contracts from the people on the internet and help them to get their requested designs at reasonable prices. By doing this you not only polish you designing skills but you can also make a name on the internet. There are thousands of online contests going on over the internet now days and you can select the one you want to take part in according to yourself by considering the prize money. The prize money varies in each contest. It can be a big amount and it can also be as small a penny. It is totally up to you in which contest you want to take part in. Their websites like and where you can look for the top designing contests and you should constantly update your resume on these websites in order to get news of the various ongoing contests over the internet. You should fill your profile as much as you can so that it should look more attractive to the customers and you can also add you portfolio to your profile as the portfolio contains the work you have done till now and it makes very easy for the customer to select you on the basis of the your work.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fields in Graphic Designing and Software to be Used

Graphics designing is a very famous business. This field is expected to produce many jobs by 2014. So a number of graphic designers will be needed by that time. You need to be very creative and innovative to be successful in this field.

A graphic designer is one who is responsible for the advertisement for every company nowadays. Every company spends a lot of money in making a better advertisement for its company so that it attracts maximum number of customers to buy its services or products.

There are many fields in graphic design business to select from by a beginner. Here are the fields available:

1. Logo designing
2. Website Graphics design
3. Flash designers
4. CAD designing
5. Multimedia designers
6. Photo Editing/Art

All these fields have high earnings for every graphic designer. Whatever field you choose, you must be familiar with working on that. This will help you get the better job. You must also try to design innovative graphics design art for practice.

Various graphic designing soft-wares are available in the market. You may select any one and start working on that to create new graphic design art so that you might get an extra advantage while searching for a job. Here are some of the software:

1. Adobe Photoshop
2. CorelDraw graphics suite
3. Adobe Illustrator
4. Adobe Flash Professional
5. Macromedia Freehand

The basic software brought in use is Adobe Photoshop. It is good to start with for a beginner. Many people take Adobe Photoshop as a hobby too. So you must be one step ahead than them too. Be an expert in using tools in Adobe Photoshop.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Web & Graphics Designing

Your biggest an important business tool that might attract consumers is the logo that you are using for branding your company. It establishes a separate position of your company in the market irrespective of the service provided by your company. When a customer searches for a company then he directly associates the service of your company to the logo as soon as he gets attracted towards the logo. He might directly create an impression that you are master in the service you deliver after you have made an attractive and eye catchy company logo. This is a visual show of what you do in business and will feature in every part of branding your company throughout the world. It will be covered everywhere from newspapers to the booklets and even the company uniforms. It is vital to handle them effectively. Here are certain points to be kept in mind while deigning your company’s logo.
You need to give a message to the consumer about the service you deliver, you your logo should not be complicated and difficult to read. It should have graphics in it so as to attract even illiterate consumers. You could make slight variations in the logo, but make sure that the design is consistent. Use the same graphics software while editing the logo. Logo must be same everywhere, i.e. it should not happen that the logo displayed on the company website differs from the logo on the booklets and magazines. This might give an impression of lack of focus. So hire the same freelance web designer used before that does the whole branding work the same way. Overall, a clear message sending and consistent looking logo everywhere sends a signal of stability and clear thinking that may surely help in attracting more customers. Any company in web design profession may also be hired that is professionally experienced in the service of logos.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jobs in Web Designing

Web Designing scope and its job are increasing day by day. Moreover, it is the human nature that firstly we are attracted by the look then we see their behavior if the look is not good then most of the time we will reject the things whatever their nature will be.
Web Designing job has great future. These days’ web designers are also known as UI developers. If you are a web designer than you can able to get work at home which is also called freelancing and can earn handsome amount of money.
You will find numbers of Web Designing job everywhere even if you are from the small town even there you have a job because even in small towns there are the companies who hire web designer.
Web Designing Job types:-
• Flash Designers: Flash is nothing but differentiating content from the presentation. If you are expertise in flash then you can earn a lot .As flash is also somewhat help in animations.
Flash can be more improved with flash website templates like flash menu, full flash site. There are many companies which only provide flash website templates as their product. You just have to buy and implement and modify in your project according to your need .The action scripting is also the part of the flash and this is in the great demand these days.
• Graphic Designers: The demands of graphic designers are increasing day by day. As there is the increasing in the animation which is incomplete without the graphic designers. In order to help and overrule the burden or to increase the extendibility of the graphic designers Graphic Software are available in the market.
Graphic software helps you to develop 2D -3D animations. You will find many films where you will find 3D how they are able to get that 3D effects in the animation it is totally through Graphic Software.
In multimedia these days’ 2D-3D animations are great in demand and hence increase the demand of the web design jobs for graphic designer and for those who are well versed with the graphic tools and its implementation in the media.
Hence, there is lot of scope for the Graphic designers and even you can get work as a freelancing through this.
It is best career if you creative and interested to make your own world and then you must do some course in graphic designing .There are many universities and colleges who are providing this course. But the only thing require your creativity, dedication, interest if all these things are in you then you can easily master the graphic software and you will be known by your work and able to get work while doing your studies.
• HTML and Photoshop designers: These are basically the basic level no doubt even you can earn from that also but if you know implementation of the Flash Website Templates and Graphic Software than it will add more scope for you.
There are web design agencies either provide animations products or simple html website according to the need.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The historic and technical initial stages of graphic design in Jordan

By the information technology and printing industries, Graphic design was developed. At Jordan in 1940s people brought printing by trading with different countries. Time to time the advancement in the printing goes by wooden moulds, letterpress then zinc clichés and thereby started using the printing tools. As like the other countries Jordan’s printing evolution was similar. The scope of the printing technology was restricted for new designs. Instead of making photos we made clichés. Black and white printing was been there and there range was restricted to stationary, cards and newspapers. By the use of raised printing and Typolography printers can make a full color print and this printing is been used now a day’s also. Improvement in picture reproduction and color can be improved by Offset printing. Graphic designer for graphic designing was developed at the same time. Prepress and film montage is been used for printing. For printing the final articles prepress is been used. Until 1989 this prepress service limited to single institution only.
During late sixties, graphic designer were not design pioneers. They have learnt a lot from their collage, they recreate the designs that are used in other countries. Initially business cards, envelopes, greeting cards were used but now folders and brochures were also been used. There work was mostly limited to newspapers. For offset printing graded colors, air brush technology was used. The Use of this technology was limited to few people.